This cake roll is a chiffon cake that bakes on a cookie sheet, spread with whipped cream and then rolled up. Rolling up a cake takes practice.
I have cracked a few ones before successfully rolling up this one. I tried putting a towel on the cake and roll right out of the oven. But it turned out to be a bit flat because the cake deflates afterwards. Rolling it right out of the oven without cooling will deflate it. I have tried different recipes and this one is the one I came up with that works the best.
Chocolate Cake Roll
Use 17x12 inches sheet pan
38g/5.5 tbsp natural unsweetened cocoa powder
1/3 tsp expresso powder (optional)
132g/0.5 cup water, boiling
5 eggs, large
130g/1.5 cup cake flour, sifted
216g/1 cup sugar
1/3 tsp baking soda
1/3 tsp salt
80g/0.3 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
2/3 tsp cream of tartar
1) Preheat oven to 350⁰F. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper.
2) Mix cocoa powder with the boiling water. Add espresso powder and stir until smooth. Let it cool.
3) Separate the egg white from the yolk.
4) Put the yolk in a large mixing bowl. Whisk with all but 2 tbsp sugar, then add oil and vanilla. Mix until blended.
5) Add the sifted cake flour, baking soda and salt to the yolk mixture. Stir until smooth. Add the room temperature chocolate mixture.
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soft peak |
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stiff peak |
10) Pour the batter on the paper lined pan and bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes.
13) After the cake has cooled completely, sift powdered sugar on it.
14) Put a parchment paper on top and flip the cake over carefully.
15) Peel off the now top paper and spread whipped cream on it.
1) If you use cocoa powder that has been treated with alkali (Dutched), use 1 tsp of baking powder instead of baking soda.
2) Boiling water helps to release the flavor of cocoa powder.
3) The addition of expresso powder enhances the chocolate flavor as well.
4) Anything in contact with egg white has to be very clean. Be very careful when you separate the white from the yolk. Even a little bit of yolk in your white will pop the froth and bubbles in the foam. Any grease or oil in the bowl or beating whisk is not accepted as well.
5) Cream of tartar is an acidic salt which helps to neutralize the alkalinity of the egg white and stablize the formation of foam. It can be substituted with 1/2 tsp of lemon juice.
6) Putting powdered sugar on the cake before rolling prevents it from sticking to the paper.
7) This cake can be baked using a non-greased 9 inch cake pan. Bake at 325⁰F for about an hour. Invert the pan to cool completely.
朱古力我全家人的至愛,我兒子更希望家中時常有朱古力蛋糕,無論是蛋糕、雪糕、曲奇餅或糖果等等,只要是有朱古力成份的,我們都喜歡。這款蛋卷是由雪紡蛋糕做的,用一個大盤焗,塗上鮮奶油再卷起便成了。卷蛋糕要卷多幾次便純熟,我初次卷的時候也有爆裂的情況,但卷多幾次技巧便純熟了,不要氣餒啊 !
焗盤尺寸: 17x12寸
38克/五湯匙半 無糖唂咕粉
1/3 茶匙 expresso 咖啡粉(如無可免)
132克/半杯 滾水
5隻 大蛋
130克/一杯半 低筋粉,已篩
216克/ 一杯 糖
1/3茶匙 梳打粉
1/3茶匙 鹽
80克/三份一杯 液體菜油
1茶匙 雲呢那香油
2/3茶匙 他他粉
1/3 茶匙 expresso 咖啡粉(如無可免)
132克/半杯 滾水
5隻 大蛋
130克/一杯半 低筋粉,已篩
216克/ 一杯 糖
1/3茶匙 梳打粉
1/3茶匙 鹽
80克/三份一杯 液體菜油
1茶匙 雲呢那香油
2/3茶匙 他他粉
1) 預熱焗爐至350⁰F,焗盤放上焗爐紙。
2) 用滾水將唂咕粉及expresso攪溶,待凉。
3) 將蛋分開蛋白及蛋黃。蛋黃加入糖(留下二湯匙),攪勻,再加菜油及雲呢那,攪勻。
4) 將已篩低筋粉加入,再加梳打粉,鹽,攪勻,最後加巧克力溶液,再攪勻備用。
5) 打蛋白:蛋白打至大泡沫,加他他粉,打至濕性發泡,加入留下的二湯匙糖,再打至乾性發泡至尖起。
6) 將三份一已打發蛋白加入朱古力蛋黃溶液,輕手翻拌均匀(從底部往上翻拌,不要划圈攪拌,以免蛋白消泡)。
7) 再倒回蛋白的盤,再輕手翻拌均勻。
8) 倒入已有焗爐紙的焗盤,放入焗爐,焗約十五分鐘。
9) 準備鮮奶油:半杯奶油加入四份一杯糖粉,打至有紋路便可以,如喜歡可加入二湯匙唂咕粉。
10) 蛋糕焗好後,馬上離盤,連紙放架上待完全凉後才可以卷。
10) 蛋糕焗好後,馬上離盤,連紙放架上待完全凉後才可以卷。
11) 在已凉蛋糕上撒上糖粉,再放上一張焗爐紙,然後反轉蛋糕,除去焗爐紙,再塗上已打發鮮奶油,輕手卷起,用紙卷實,放雪柜半小時後便可食用。
1) 打蛋白的器皿一定要乾淨,沒有油脂才打得成功,一點點的蛋黃也不可以留在蛋白內。
2) 他他粉可以用半茶匙檸檬汁代替。
3) 此食譜如在九吋圓形焗盤,可以用325⁰F,焗一小時左右,焗後倒扣,便成雪纺蛋糕。
3) 此食譜如在九吋圓形焗盤,可以用325⁰F,焗一小時左右,焗後倒扣,便成雪纺蛋糕。
damien loves to eat this but i dont know how to make it..maybe i'll follow your directions one day but right now i am too lazy and busy!
Hi Phoebe, would you consider adding the ingredients measurement in cups instead of just in grams? I really wanted to make this cake (rather than buying from 99 Ranch Market) but I am having a hard time converting the grams into cups. It's driving me crazy... :))
ReplyDeleteHi BeginnerBaker, I just made some conversion for your reference. But I highly recommend you to get a hold of a scale. When I measure flour by volumn, it varies every time. The difference can be half a cup to a cup. I was like you before. Whenever I read a recipe in weight, it would turn me off because I didn't have a scale. But I gurantee you that it would be the best investment you'll ever made for the kitchen. (I got mine from BedBath & beyond under $20)
ReplyDeleteOh, thank you very much for the conversion and the explanation regarding measuring by volume and weight. I've learn something new today :) I will give it a try this weekend. And thanks for the tips about getting the scale at BB&B. Now, I just need to wait for the 20% off (or the $5 off) coupon to come in the mail... :)