
Thursday, June 30, 2011

French Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 雲呢哪籽雪糕

There are a few items that we never run out of in our household: flour, chocolate and ice cream. I make bread at least once a week so I have to make sure that I have fresh flour. For has a lot of uses. It can be eaten plainly as candy or to be used in making cakes or other desserts. And for ice cream, my freezer always has at least a carton or two in stock. I had tried making ice cream without a machine but the result was not very satisfactory. It had a lot of ice crystals. My kids complained that the ice cream was crunchy.

I've been thinking a long time whether I should buy an ice cream maker or not. If the answer was yes, then should I get an attachment to my mixer or just a cheaper model. Then came a I didn't need to struggle any more.

Again, by making it at home, there are no artificial materials or whatever gum added to it (look closely on the ingredients of your store bought ice cream carton). Also, I can put less sugar as I like it (Don't alter the amount of sugar in other recipes, though, especially cake recipes. It has a function to keep cake moist and soft, not just being sweet).

Just make the base with milk, cream, sugar and vanilla bean. Refrigerate for a few hours and pour in the machine.

Let it churn for 25 minutes. Then put it in the freezer for a few hours to harden.

This ice cream is creamy, smooth, and bursting full of vanilla flavor. It's comparable to some famous ice cream parlors' ice cream, and it is definitely better than store-bought ice cream. (I get my kids' approval this time : ) )

I am ready for summer. Are you ?


我家有幾種食物是經常有存貨的: 麵粉、巧克力及雪糕。我一星期最少會焗一次麵包,所以我儲存麵粉的器具是常滿的。至於朱咕力...用途十分之廣,可以當糖果食之外,又可做蛋糕或甜品。至於雪糕,我的雪櫃經常有一兩盒,我曾經試過自己做雪糕,但因為沒有雪糕機,效果不是很理想,有很多小雪塊。

所以我考慮了很久是否應該買一部雪糕機,如果要買,應該買現在我用的mixer的附加機,或是買一部獨立而經濟的呢? 直至最近這部機減價,便不用考慮了 !

自製雪糕,沒有任何添加物,喜歡幾甜便幾甜,幾淡便幾淡 (但請勿擅自更改其他食譜的糖份,尤其是蛋糕,因為糖可以令蛋糕有鬆軟的效果,不只是甜味)

只需要調好奶、糖、奶油及雲呢哪籽,雪幾小時,放入雪糕機,過廿五分鐘後,再雪幾小時後便有香甜幼滑的雪糕了, 正是炎炎夏日最佳的消暑品 !!


  1. damien has one too..he made me green tea and vanilla ice cream when we were dating but stopped churning after we get married. ha. ha.

    i agree. he puts less sugar and it's even better

  2. Hi Phoebe, I love to visit you to try ice cream.Less sugar is better.I bought popo the skinny cow ice cream it has 13 g of sugar.She loves it.I only have ice cream when theweather is hot.Do you think it worth to buy the machine

  3. It's worth buying the machine only if you're going to make it often. :p

  4. We almost have ice cream on a daily basis, no matter is winter or summer! It's worth it in the long run. The one I got is under $30. You can also make frozen yogurt or sorbet with it. Christine, have Damien churn it again : )
