What a way to celebrate the birthday of America with this cake!!
Make one 9-10 inch tube pan
112g/1 cup plus 2 tbsp cake flour, sifted into a cup and leveled off
150g/3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
54g/1/4 cup vegetable oil
4 large eggs, separated
1 tbsp orange zest
91g/1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp orange juice, freshly squeezed
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 tbsp Grand Marnier (optional, but highly recommended )
1/2 plus 1/8 tsp cream of tartar
1) Preheat oven to 325⁰F. Set a rack in the lower third of the oven.
2) In a large bowl, mix the flour, all but 1 tbsp of the sugar, baking powder and salt with a whisk. Add the oil, yolks, orange zest and juice, vanilla and Grand Marnier. Whisk until combined.
3) Beat the egg whites until foamy. Add the cream of tartar and beat on high speed until soft peaks form. Add the remaining 1 tbsp sugar and continue on high speed until the peaks are shiny and firm.
4) Use a spatula and fold the meringue into the egg batter in two additions. Fold until no white is seen.
5) Pour the batter onto an non-greased tube pan. Smooth out the top and bake for 30-35 minutes until the top is golden and an inserted toothpick comes out clean.
6) Immediately invert the pan until the pan is cool to touch. Unmold the cake by running a metal spatula between the sides of the pan and the cake.
1) This cake is best to be baked in a tube pan because its delicate structure needs support in the center. The cake may cave in if use regular round cake pan.
2) Special care has to be given when separating egg whites from the yolks. A tiny trace of yolks in the whites can ruin the whole procedure. The bowl and beaters have to be absolutely free of oil to be successful.
雪紡蛋糕的誕生不是出自一些名厨或糕點大師, 而是由一名美國售貨員發明的。由於它不是用普遍的牛油作為其中之一的材料, 而是用比較健康的植物油, 所以很受歡迎。加上蛋糕質地鬆軟幼滑, 口味變化萬千, 製作簡單容易, 很快便風行全球。
這款香橙味的, 是用鮮榨橙汁, 加上橙皮碎及橙酒, 令橙味大大提升, 實在不容錯過 !
低筋麵粉 一杯又二湯匙/112g
糖 四分之三杯/150g
泡打粉 一茶匙
鹽 一茶匙
植物油 四分之一杯/54g
大蛋 四隻
橙皮碎 一湯匙
鮮搾橙汁 四分之一杯加二湯匙/91g
橙酒 一湯匙
雲呢那香油 一茶匙
他他粉 半茶匙又八分之一茶匙
1) 預熱焗爐至325⁰F。
2) 在一大碗內將麵粉、糖(留下一湯匙)、泡打粉及鹽攪勻,加入蛋黄、油、橙汁、橙皮碎、雲呢那香油及橙酒攪勻備用。
3) 蛋白用電動打蛋器打至起泡,加入他他粉再打幾分鐘,加入一湯匙糖再繼續打至硬身。
4) 將已打發好的蛋白輕手與粉糊混合 (fold )。
5) 倒入沒有塗油之焗盤內,焗約三十至三十五分鐘。出爐後馬上倒扣,至完全冷後才可脫模。
1) 雪纺蛋糕的結構很細緻,所以最好是用tube pan去焗, 以防它焗後倒塌。
2) 分蛋時要很小心,蛋白不可有些少蛋黄混入,打蛋白的器皿也要完全亁淨沒有油,否則蛋白不會打發起。
HiPhoebe, Where can I get Grand Marnier ? Liquor store or regular supermarket?
You can get it from wine store. See if you can get a small sample bottle for single use.
ReplyDeleteIf I am not using Grand Marnier (for kids), should I replace it with something else (to equalize the amount of liquids)?
ReplyDeleteSince it is a very small amount, you can omit it if you prefer. It should not affect the overall result.
Delete为什么我做的很重身? 不松?
DeleteHi Phoebe
ReplyDeleteI couldn't get cake flour in Australia. Any suggestions??
Oh really? In that case, all purpose flour can be used. There are some recipes which use all purpose instead of cake flour. It should be fine.
DeleteHi Phoebe, I made this last Friday. It was really good, especially good for summer because it is not heavy or greasy at all. My family loves it too. Except I have one problem: the brown skin of my cake stick so much to the tube pan. Did I take it out too early from the pan (not completely cool down yet) or I used the wrong tube pan ( I used the one I made for rum cake,not the aluminium one that you used?
ReplyDeleteHi Wendy,
DeleteGood you like the recipe. Since the pan uses for baking chiffon cake is not supposed to be greased, it is normal for it to stick. (You can put a parchment paper on the bottom, but no grease on the sides) We want it to stick so it can "climb" as it expands and rises during baking to produce fluffy texture. When it is cool (at least 2 hours after baking) and ready to be un-mold, run a knife around the pan to release it. Some sticking is unavoidable.
Thank you Phoebe. I try to be patient next time, I'll let it cool for 2 hours before I un-mold it. Besides, do you think I can use lemon instead of orange since I got so many lemons from my lemon tree, do I just double the sugar and decrease the lemon juice?
DeleteHi Wendy,
DeleteLemon is another great flavor to try out. But I don't think you need to increase the amount of sugar. I have not try substituting orange juice with lemon but I think you should use only half of the amount of juice, i.e. about 50g. Too acidic may alter the chemistry in the batter and affect its behavior in the oven. Make sure you use lemon zest. It adds great flavor to the cake.