
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dessert and Cake Class 蛋糕甜品班


Dessert and Cake Class

As temperature drops and the air becomes crispy clear, we know it is the change of season. Fall is already here and before we know it, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year holidays will be here in no time. It also means that family gatherings and party celebrations will fill our calendar. Do you want to impress your friends or guests with a homemade dessert this year ? Mark down on your calendar the following dates (or iPhone/iPad).

春去秋來, 轉眼又是秋高氣爽的日子, 跟着感恩節、聖誕節及新年便接踵而至, 在這些喜慶節日, 一家人或和朋友歡聚是少不了的, 在享用完一頓美食後怎少得了一道甜點呢今年你是否希望為你的親朋好友親手做一款愛心甜點或蛋糕呢機會來了, 請在你的記事簿(or iPhone/iPad) 上寫上以下日期.

This time I will offer a few classes to fit different interests and skill levels:

1)  Basic Chiffon Cake and Cupcake Class: this class will cover the basic techniques in making a cake such as how to properly beat egg, fold batter, cream butter and sugar, etc.

Date: 10/22/11 Saturday 1-4pm

chiffon cake

2)  Tiramisu and Souffle: what is the secret for making a dramatic rise in a souffle ? how to make a creamy tiramisu that is filled with coffee and liquor flavor ?

Date: 10/29 Saturday 1-3pm

strawberry souffle
mango souffle

3)  Japanese light Cheesecake and Lava Cake: this extremely light cheesecake is so velvety that it will just melt in your mouth. Instead of getting a lava cake from a five star hotel or restaurant, I will show you how to make it easily at home to "wow" your family and guests.

Date: 11/12/11 Saturday 1-4pm

chocolate lave cake

Class size: minimum 3, maximum 6 per class

Note: Weekday morning class available upon request

Send me an email to reserve your spot:

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Banana Bread 香蕉蛋糕

I don't remember when the last time I made banana bread was... It must be at least three or more years ago. This is one of the easier recipes that started my interest in baking when I was young (I mean in my teenage and early twenty years).

Monday, September 19, 2011

Chocolate Silk Pie 朱古力派

My kids have asked me to make a chocolate pie for a long time and I finally got my hands on the recipe. This pie is good as a summer time dessert since it is a no-bake pie (if you use a store bought ready-to-use pie crust). The eggs are sanitized by heating to 160F so it is safe to eat even without further baking. The chocolate filling is so rich and trufflelike that it will surely satisfy any chocoholic!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Hong Kong Egg Tart 蛋撻

I admit that making egg tart in puff pastry is quite a challenge, especially in the summer. Roll out the dough, fold, refrigerate, repeat... it requires not just skill but a lot of patience, but making it in butter dough is a lot easier. I usually make a big batch of the dough and keep it in the freezer. Whenever my family feels like having egg tart for a snack or dessert, then I will beat up some eggs and it will be ready in a very short time.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Coming Soon

9/21/11 UPDATE:

The class on 9/24/11 is already full. I have added two more classes to meet the demand: 9/23/11 Friday morning and 10/1/11 Saturday afternoon. Reserve your space before it is full again !

Confused about the difference between bread flour, all-purpose flour and cake flour? Don’t know whether to buy unbleached or bleached flour?
Concerned with all the artificial and food additives in the processed foods you buy? Want to learn a life skill that will definitely benefit the health of your family and at the same time have fun?
If your answer to any of the above is positive, then you do not want to miss this great opportunity.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Taiwanese Moon Cake 綠豆椪


我住在加州羅省雖然超過廿年,但因為身邊的朋友大部份是廣東人,所以我還未有機會嘗試過台式月餅,直至最近有朋友送來一些 (thank you, Michelle)。我咬上一口後便十分喜歡,鬆軟的酥皮內包着軟滑香甜的綠豆茸,綠豆茸內又有些咸的肉鬆,甜中帶些少咸,口中有着不同的感覺,實在妙極 !