我住在加州羅省雖然超過廿年,但因為身邊的朋友大部份是廣東人,所以我還未有機會嘗試過台式月餅,直至最近有朋友送來一些 (thank you, Michelle)。我咬上一口後便十分喜歡,鬆軟的酥皮內包着軟滑香甜的綠豆茸,綠豆茸內又有些咸的肉鬆,甜中帶些少咸,口中有着不同的感覺,實在妙極 !
臨近中秋佳節,除了做冰皮月餅外,做多一款月餅應吓節又何防! 自製月餅,當然會踢走豬油,用有機無氫化的白油啦 !!
中筋麵粉 83g
白油 28g
水 36g
低筋麵粉 58g
白油 24g
綠豆沙 200g
肉鬆 4 茶匙或適量
1) 將水皮及油皮材料放入二個碗內,分別揉成均勻而柔軟的麵糰,蓋好保鮮紙,鬆弛五至十分鐘。
2) 將綠豆沙分成50g一團, 包入一茶匙肉鬆,小心包好。
3) 將水皮及油皮分成四份,水皮約36g,油皮約20g。
6) 放入已預熱至350⁰F焗爐,焗約三十分鐘。
1) 綠豆沙做法:將無皮已開邊的綠豆加水煮至軟透,倒去水不要,綠豆放入鑊中加適量油及糖炒至水乾,成泥便成。
2) 綠豆椪入焗前不用塗蛋液,及小心免烤上色,正宗的綠豆椪是雪白色的。據說『椪』是『凸』的意思。
Taiwanese Moon Cake
Ingredients to make 4 cakes:
"water" dough:
83g unbleached all purpose flour
28g vegetable shortening
36g water
"oil" dough:
58g cake flour
24g vegetable shortening
200g mung bean paste
4 tsp shredded pork, cooked
1) Mix the ingredients for the oil and water doughs separately in 2 different bowls. Knead lightly until they form balls. Cover and let them relax for 5-10 minutes.
2) Divide the mung bean paste into 4 parts, 50g each. Put about 1 tsp of shredded pork into each ball and wrap it up.
3) Divide the dough into 4 parts each, about 36g each for the water dough and 20g each for the oil dough.
4) Place a ball of oil dough inside a flattened water dough and seal. Flatten it again and roll it to an elongated shape about 4 inches long with a rolling pin. Gently roll up the dough and let it relax for 5-10 minutes. Repeat with the rest.
5) Repeat the flattening and rolling one more time.
6) Place a ball of the bean paste into a flattened disc of dough and seal.
7) Gently push the ball down with the palm of your hand to a disc.
8) Bake in a preheated 350⁰F oven for 30 minutes.
looks interesting. i want to try when i come down!!