
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Mango Konjac Jelly 香芒水晶果凍

I just can't get away without making dessert with mango in summer time. This attractive transparent jelly is made with konjac/konnyaka powder. After some searches in the internet, I learn that it is a super healthy natural food that have numerous benefits to our body. It has been consumed over a thousand years in China and Japan. It has the highest viscosity soluble fiber in nature that makes it the ideal natural food to lower blood sugar (click here for more information). The texture is a bit different from gelatin or agar agar. It sets up very fast compared to the two. So make sure every thing is ready before you start making it. This is super easy to make and it will be great to make it with kids !

炎炎夏日,怎可沒有冰涼的飯後甜品呢? 正在當造的芒果是做這款甜點的首選,這個凍糕我採用了蒟蒻粉,它晶瑩剔透,十分吸引,更能增加食慾。它的質感與魚膠粉及大菜有別,十分獨特,值得一試 ! 蒟蒻在中國及日本有過千年歷史,是一種十分健康的天然食品,對糖尿病患者尤其有幫助(詳細資料請點擊這裏)。 這款甜品超容易做,更是親子活動的好機會 !

Ingredients to make 16-18 pieces 可造16-18件:
Mango hearts 芒果心:
56g mango puree 芒果蓉
20g sugar 糖
150g water, divided 水
7g gelatin powder 魚膠粉/吉利丁
37g heavy cream 奶油

Konjac/Konnyaka Jelly 水晶果凍:
48g konjac/konnyaka powder 蒟蒻粉
40g suger 糖
600g water 水

1)  Make the mango hearts by sprinkling gelatin powder on 75g water. Let it soak for 1 minute. Microwave for 15-20 seconds to dissolve. Add sugar. Mix well.
2)  Add the other 75g water. Add mango puree and heavy cream. Mix well.
3)  Spoon onto the heart shape mold and refrigerate until set. About an hour.


4)  Unmold the mango hearts with the help of a toothpick. Place them onto the tart mold.
5)  Make konnyaka jelly by putting the konnyaka powder, sugar and water in a small pot. Bring it to a boil. Stir to dissolve. Let it cool down a bit before spooning to the mold and refrigerate until set. Unmold onto a plate and serve cold.



  1. Hi Phoebe, It looks so cute and cool. Good for summer dessert.I definitely to try this weekend.

    1. Thank you Pat for your gift of the konjac powder. I think it is the most healthy dessert I ever tried !

  2. where can i find konjac powder? ranch 99? looks yummy and refreshing

    1. I would not find it in any Asian market in my area. But you can always get it online.
