
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Black Sesame Roll 香滑黑芝麻卷

Have you ever wished that time could be reversed? I were ten, twenty or thirty years younger, then I would have done this and that, or I would not have done this or that....

I missed having this treat for a fairly long time. It used to be a common dish in dim sum restaurants when I was little. But nowadays, it is very rarely available, especially here in America's dim sum restaurants. It's nicknamed the "roll of film" because it resembles the rolls of film once used in the old cameras from the last century.

If only time could be reversed, I could enjoy it once more.....

Now you don't have to go back in time. If you want to enjoy this treat again in this digital age, follow the recipe below.

你有否曾經希望時間可以倒流? 如果我可以年輕十年、廿年或三十年的話,那麼我便可以做這些或不做這些事情....

記得這種叫"菲林"的甜品嗎?(如果你未食過的話便証明你比我年輕或不是在香港長大 ^_^ )


現在時光不須要倒流,如果要在這數碼時代想懷舊一下,可以跟着這食譜做 !

30g black sesame seed  黑芝麻
200g water  水
40g sugar  糖
15g rice flour  粘米粉
40g water chestnut flour  馬蹄粉
sesame oil  麻油少許

1)  In a small pan using medium heat, slightly toast sesame seeds. Stir from time to time. Remove from heat when they start popping.
2)  Put water and the toasted seeds in a small pot and bring to a boil. Let them cook for about a minute. Remove from heat.
3)  Use a blender or food processor to grind the seeds together with the water. Strain it through a sieve.
2)  Mix sugar, rice flour and water chestnut flour in a bowl. Add 110g sesame water to the bowl. Mix well.
3)  Use a little bit of sesame oil to brush a dish. Pour a thin layer of batter on and steam under high heat for 2-3 minutes.
4)  After it cools down, roll it up and cut into sections about 2 inches long. Serve at room temperature.

1)  Make sure you do not pour too much batter on the dish. As long as it covers the dish, it is fine.
2)  Do not overcook. It becomes hard and ruins the texture.
3)  The strained out sesame can be used in making bread. No waste!

用白鑊烘香黑芝麻,然後放入小鍋,加水煮滾,約一分鐘後熄火,倒入攪拌機內攪成芝麻水漿,用篩隔渣 。糖,粘米粉及馬蹄粉放大碗內,加入110g芝麻水,攪勻。在一蒸盤內塗上薄薄一層麻油,將粉漿倒入少許,足夠蓋面便可,大火蒸約兩至三分鐘,待冷後便可卷起。

注意事項: 粉漿不可放太厚,也不可蒸太久,熟了便可,否則過熟會變硬,影响口感。芝麻渣可以做麵包,不會浪費啊!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Phoebe,
    That is my childhood memory ,too.
    I will try it some time.
    Mei from Boston
