
Friday, December 12, 2014

Sriracha Honey Popcorn 是拉差爆谷

The popularity of this hot sauce is quite the phenomenon. There are not a lot of products that only rely on word of mouth and reach such a level of success. People who love Sriracha put it in almost everything they eat. There are even Sriracha mayonnaise and ketchup in the market.

So when I was flipping through the pages of a new cookbook named The Kitchn (without an "e"), this recipe for Sriracha popcorn caught my eyes.

According to some statistics, America is the country consuming the most popcorn in the world. This particular recipe makes crunchy, sweet and spicy popcorn--the perfect companion while watching TV or movies.

If you have a hot air popcorn maker, making this treat is a breeze. Pop the kernels, pour the sauce on and bake. Follow the instructions below if you don't have one.

Recipe modified from: The Kitchn Cookbook by Sarah Kate Gillingham & Faith Durand. I reduced the amount of butter used from 1½ to 1¼ stick.




食譜參考:The Kitchn Cookbook


½ cup unpopped corn kernels 爆谷,未爆
1 tbsp vegetable oil 菜油

Warm a few corn kernels with the oil in a 4 quart or larger pot over medium heat. When the kernels pop, add the rest of the kernels. Shake to coat with oil. Put the lid on and let the kernels pop. Remove from heat when you hear the popping stop. Empty the popped corns into a large mixing bowl.


141g/1¼ stick unsalted butter 無鹽牛油
¾ cup/254g honey 蜜糖
1-2 tbsp Sriracha hot sauce 是拉差辣醬
1 tsp kosher salt 鹽
1 tsp vanilla extract 雲呢哪香油
¼ tsp baking soda 梳打粉

1) Preheat oven to 250°F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper or Silpat.
2) Put butter into a 2 quart pot and melt over medium heat.
3) Add the honey and let it come to a rolling boil for 4 minutes. Adjust the heat so that it does not boil over. Keep stirring continuously when it boils.

4) Remove from heat and add Sriracha, salt, vanilla extract and baking soda. The sauce will bubble and foam after the addition of baking soda. Stir well.

5) Pour the hot sauce onto the popped kernels and mix well to coat evenly.

6) Spread them evenly in a single layer onto the prepared baking sheets.

7) Bake both sheets in the oven for an hour. Stir and rotate the sheets every 15 minutes.
8) Let them cool completely. Serve the same day or store in an airtight container for about a week at room temperature.

1) Use a pot large enough to make the sauce because it will expand while bubbling and foaming.
2) Adjust the amount of hot sauce to your taste. The original recipe calls for 2 tbsp for mild and 3 for spicy. My tongue can only take 1½. Other brands of hot sauce can be used.
3) For people with more of a sweet tooth, increase the amount of honey to 1 cup.

1) 預熱焗爐至250度,將兩個焗盤鋪上焗爐紙。
2) 將牛油放鍋內加熱至溶。
3) 加入蜜糖,滾四分鐘,其間要攪勻及調校火力,以免滾翻。
4) 熄火後加入是拉差、鹽、香油及梳打粉。
5) 立刻將醬汁倒入已爆的爆谷內,攪勻。
6) 將爆谷倒入兩個焗盤上,鋪平。
7) 放焗爐焗一小時,每十五分鐘翻動一次。
8) 待完全冷後便可享用,或密封可保存約一週。

1) 煮醬汁用的鍋要夠大,以防滾翻。
2) 是拉差份量要自行調教,原食譜中辣用兩湯匙,大辣用三湯匙,我用了一湯匙半。其他牌子辣椒醬也可以用。
3) 想甜一點的可用一杯蜜糖。

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