
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Steamed Crab with Egg and Chinese Wine 花雕水蛋蒸蟹

Out of the many cooking classes I took in Hong Kong, I think this is the most simple and yet very delicious one. The flavors of the crab and egg blend very well together and the addition of the Chinese wine adds complex flavor! It will definitely wow your family and guests. You can twist the recipe a bit to suit your tastes and needs. Follow the tips and tricks below will guarantee you a silky and smooth steamed egg.


one crab, clean and cut into pieces 蟹,斬件
4 large eggs, slight beaten 蛋,打散
450ml chicken soup/stock 雞湯
50ml Shaoxing Hua Tiao cooking wine 花雕酒
25ml rice wine 米酒
1 tsp sugar 糖
1 scallion, diced 蔥花

1) Put the crab pieces in a steamer and steam for 15 minutes. Drain and discard the liquid.
2) Mix the beaten egg with the chicken stock. Pour over and around the crab.
3) Cover the dish with plastic wrap. Put into the steamer. Use a chopstick to keep the steamer lid slightly ajar. Steam for 5 minutes on high heat. Then lower the heat to medium and continue steaming for another 15 minutes.

4) While the egg is steaming, mix the two wines and sugar. Stir until the sugar dissolves.
5) Remove the plastic wrap. Sprinkle scallion and wine mixture on top. Serve immediately.

1) The best ratio of egg to liquid (water or chicken stock) is between 1:2 to 1:2.5 This will give you the best texture. Adjust the amount of eggs and chicken stock according to the volume of your dish.
2) To prevent overcooking of the egg, it is essential that the lid of the steamer is kept slightly open.
3) If a steamer is not available, steaming in a wok also works. But make sure the boiling water is not touching the dish.

1) 蟹洗淨斬件,蒸十五分鐘至熟,汁倒去不要。
2) 蛋打散後加入雞湯,伴勻。倒入蟹碟,用保鮮紙蓋好,大火蒸五分鐘後,教中火再蒸十五分鐘。蒸時用筷子頂開蓋。
3) 酒與糖混合、攪至糖溶。
4) 蒸好後灑上蔥花及酒,熱食。

1) 蛋液與液體(水或雞湯)的比例最理想是1:2 到 1:2.5. 太小液體蛋蒸出來會硬,過多很難成形。跟據你的碟容量調教用蛋的數量。
2) 蒸時用筷子頂開蓋會防止蛋過熟,變蜂巢。
3) 如沒有蒸籠,可用鑊,但蒸碟不要觸到水。

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